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Playing Venue 

Bristol Backgammon are very fortunate to once again have the support of the Rainbow Casino and this will be the venue for the Bristol Open.

It is located in the Millennium Square on the Bristol Harbourside, which was once a busy dock where sailors and merchants would trade goods and set sail for voyages of discovery. Bristol's Harbourside is now an attractive, modern development filled with restaurants, bars, shops and hotels.

Benefits of this venue include free parking (validate your ticket before leaving at the casino cash desk), free soft drinks and coffee with waitress service, reasonably priced bar snacks, restaurant and alcohol. New for this year, the casino will give every player a 50% off voucher which can be used to purchase any meal in the restaurant.


You no longer need to be a member to use the casino, but if you are lucky enough to be mistaken for under 18, please ensure that you have suitable id with you. I recommend everyone brings photo id.


If you are using the Rainbow Casino carpark, then you MUST remove your vehicle everyday and then re-enter. 


For those of you with camper vans, I believe that these will fit in the carpark, but only on the first floor! It is your responsibility to check this.


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